Cincinnati Children's Hospital
It is absolutely rewarding and an honour to have the Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center (CCHMC) acquiring the latest CTF MEG System. This validates our latest MEG development initiatives and vision for clinical applications and research programs in neuroscience.
“The CTF MEG system will be primarily used for presurgical epilepsy evaluations as part of the CCHMC comprehensive epilepsy center. There are research programs involving studies of high-frequency oscillations, childhood absence epilepsy, language, migraine, ADHD, obsessive-compulsive disorder, premature brain development, and neurorehabilitation” commented Dr. Jeffrey Tenney, MD, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Pediatrics, Neurology, and Neuroscience, Clinical Director, Magnetoencephalography (MEG) Laboratory.
Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
Chinese Academy of Science
Installation of DSQ-3500 Electronics at Hospital of SickKids in Toronto, Canada
January 2018: CTF MEG has installed its latest, DSQ-3500 electronics system at the Hospital of SickKids, a long time CTF MEG user.
Installation of DSQ-3500 Electronics at University College of London - UCL
November 2017: CTF MEG has installed its latest, DSQ-3500 electronics system at the UCL, a long time CTF MEG user.
Installation of MEG 275 Channels at Surrey Memorial Hospital - SMH
October 2017: CTF MEG has installed its latest MEG 275 Channels at the SMH a new customer of CTF MEG.
Installation of DSQ-3500 Electronics at NIHMH
October 2017: CTF MEG has installed its latest, DSQ-3500 electronics system at the NIHMH a long time CTF MEG user.
Installation of DSQ-3500 Electronics at Cardiff University
June 2017: CTF MEG has installed its latest, DSQ-3500 electronics system at the CUBRIC - Cardiff University Brain Research Imaging Centre - a long time CTF MEG user.
Biomag 2016
Biomag2016, the 20th International Conference on Biomagnetism, is being held in Seoul, Korea, October 1 - 6 and CTF MEG will be there. Please drop stop by booth #9 to meet with one of our team and discuss your interests and how CTF MEG may be able to help you realize your goals. For more information about the conference go to
Installation of DSQ-3500 Electronics at University of Nottingham
NOTTINGHAM, September 2016: CTF MEG has installed its latest, DSQ-3500 electronics system at the Sir Peter Mansfield Magnetic Resonance Center of the University of Nottingham, a long time CTF MEG user.
New DSQ-3500 Electronics System
COQUITLAM, August 2016: CTF MEG starts accepting general orders for the new DSQ-3500 electronics. This new version of electronics represents the opportunity for existing CTF MEG users to upgrade and realize superior performance and longevity as well as gain access to the data stream for ‘real-time’ applications. Contact CTF MEG for further details.
Installation of New Clinical MEG system at “SickKids”
TORONTO, July 2016: CTF MEG has installed a new, 151 channel MEG system at the Hospital for Sick Children, in Toronto, Canada. This system replaces the hospital’s original system of 16 years and will enable them to continue their MEG program for years to come.
Installation of Prototype DSQ-3500 Electronics at NIMH
BETHESDA, February 2015: CTF has delivered it prototype DSQ-3500 electronics system to the National Institute for Mental Health (NIMH), in Bethesda, MD. NIMH, a long time CTF MEG user and advocate, was also the first recipient of the CTF DSQ-2005 electronics system in 2002.
Ospedale San Camillo - Installation of Refurbished 275 Channel System
VENICE, September 2014: We have completed the installation of a CTF MEG 275 channel cortical MEG instrument at the Ospedale San Camillo, in Venice, Italy.
Biomag 2014
Biomag2014, the 19th International Conference on Biomagnetism, will be held in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, August 24 - 28. For more information and to register to go to
Montreal Neurological Institute Opens MEG Lab
MONTREAL, September 2011 – The Montreal Neurological Institute (MNI) in association with McGill University has launched its CTF MEG equipped laboratory.
CTF completed the installation of a 275 channel CTF MEG instrument and magnetically shielded room enabling MNI to begin its brain function research program utilizing this advanced technology. This installation marks the culmination of many years of planning and preparation which included the construction of a new wing onto the existing MNI facility in downtown Montreal.
MNI and McGill University are positioned to take a leading role in the advancement of brain function research in Canada. Their outstanding team and facility, equipped with CTF MEG technology, will also significantly strengthen the growing community of MEG research globally."
Installation of Research cMEG at "SickKids"
TORONTO, June 2010 – CTF has completed the installation of a CTF MEG 151 channel cortical MEG instrument at the Hospital for Sick Children (HSC) Toronto for its growing brain research program.
In addition to the installation of this MEG instrument for research, HSC Toronto continues to operate a CTF MEG equipped clinical laboratory. HSC is a world leader in the provision of advanced brain function analysis with applications in the treatment of brain disorders such as epilepsy. Brain functional mapping is also a highly valued analysis method used to guide neurosurgeons when planning surgical procedures on the human brain.